About Overseas Insurance

We have prepared 3 types of insurance for movingyour shipment to an overseas destination.The insurance premium amount is decided by calculating: the amount which you would like to have insured x insurance premium rate (%). Insurance is optional and excluded from the moving rate.


ECONOMOVE JAPAN will be providing the following 3 kinds of insurance as an optional item.
Insurance premiums are calculated as follows: "amount to be insured + %"

Best PlanClaims less than JPY500,000 will be paid only by submission of evidence photos. A detailed invenory list will not be required unless the price exceeds JPY100,000.
However, the reimbursement will be only available in Japan. (Many Japanese clients opt to use this Best Plan.)
Normal PlanThe Normal Plan is similar to the Best Plan. However, we must ask you to provide a detailed inventory list for this insurance coverage. Also, for the payment of claims, a survey report issued by a claims agent will be required.
The claims will be paid at the destination in the local currency. (Many expats using Standard Pack choose this Normal Plan. This plan is not available to Econo Self clients, but they are entitled to use this insurance.
Economy PlanThis is a special insurance provided exclusively for the Econo Self Pack clients. This plan only covers loss or damages caused by major accidents of the vessel. A detailed inventory list is not required.


InventoryEach detailed price c/w inventory list is not requied. However, expensive items that are more than JPY100,000 must be listed.You must list the value of each item in the insurance inventory list. Items not valued and listed in the list are not covered.Each detailed price c/w inventory list is not requied.
ValuationReplacement valueCurrent valueReplacement value
Insured amountReplacement value x 150%Current value x 100%Replacement value x 100%
Rate of premiumPlease askPlease askPlease ask
Minimum insurance premiumPlease askPlease askPlease ask
Risks coveredAll risks including packing and unpackingAll risks including packing and unpackingOnly covers losses or damages caused by the vessel that is stranded, sunk, burnt, and/or in collision.
Risks not Covered Ordinay wear and tear, mildew, rust, discoloration, compensation for the delay of delivery. Non-functioning of electric appliances without any outside-view damage.In addition to exclusions of Best Plan, set damage, and inexplicable shortages.In addition to exclusions of the Nornal Plan, theft, breakage, scratch, non-delivery, water damage, etc.
Insurance policyNo insurance policy issued.Insurance polcy issued.No insurance policy issued.
ClaimantECONOMOVE JAPAN CO., LTD. will submit claims on behalf of the customer.customerECONOMOVE JAPAN CO., LTD. will submit claims on behalf of the customer.
Damage surveyIf the estimate is less than JPY500,000, the survey is not required.Survey is generally required in all cases.If the estimate is less than JPY500,000, the survey is not required.
Valuation of Claim AmountBased upon the relacement value.Based upon current value.The repair charge of the damaged item will be reimbursed upto 100% of its current value.Based upon replacement value. The replacement value of damaged item will be reimbursed in Japan

Items which will be coverd by the insurance.

All personal effects except the following items.
  1. Cash, stocks, bonds, etc.
  2. Jewellery and precions metals
  3. Commercial items for business
  4. Live animals or plants
  5. Properties belonging to other people
  6. Items hand-carried by customers
  7. Photos and/or private documents
  8. Computer software, such as programs, data, or files recorded onto a recording media
  9. Items self-packed by owner
Following items will NOT be covered
  1. Religious items
  2. Pianos
  3. Automobiles, motorbikes, and bicycles
  4. Leased items
  5. Art items valued at over JPY100,000

- Contact us -

4-6-11 Nishiogi-Minami Suginami-ku
Tokyo 167-0053 Japan
Free Dial:0120-981-862